Released: January 12, 2022 - Wednesday, 09:04 PM
When Deputies arrived, they received information from multiple witnesses regarding the location where the shots may have come from. When Deputies tried to contact the residents at one location, the man retreated into his home and refused to exit. Deputies maintained contact the with the man who eventually came out of the home with his wife. They were briefly detained while the investigation continued and then released.
No suspects were identified. Deputies were unable to determine the source of the shots. The investigation is continuing to determine if any crime occurred.
Shots Fired
Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 1-12-22, Approximately 5:10 PMPlace of Occurrence: 200 block of W. 4th Street, Paso RoblesVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AOn 1-12-22, Sheriff's Deputies responded to reports of shots heard in the 200 block of W. 4th Street in rural Paso Robles. Paso Robles Police and CHP also responded to the call.When Deputies arrived, they received information from multiple witnesses regarding the location where the shots may have come from. When Deputies tried to contact the residents at one location, the man retreated into his home and refused to exit. Deputies maintained contact the with the man who eventually came out of the home with his wife. They were briefly detained while the investigation continued and then released.
No suspects were identified. Deputies were unable to determine the source of the shots. The investigation is continuing to determine if any crime occurred.